# Changelog ## 2024.04.15 We'd like to thank the following folks who contributed to this release: - @cjolowicz - @henryiii - @mayeut New features: * Added support for [PEP 723](https://peps.python.org/pep-0723/) (inline script metadata) with `nox.project.load_toml` by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/811 * Added support for `micromamba` by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/807 * Added `venv_backend` property to sessions by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/798 * Added the ability to use `None` to remove environment variables by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/812 * Added support for skipping sessions by default using `default=False` by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/810 ## Bugfixes * Use static arguments instead of `**kwargs` by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/815 * Do not depend on `pipx` in Nox GitHub action by @mayeut in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/768 * Disallow `UV_SYSTEM_PYTHON` by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/817 * Ensure 'uv' always works in a uv venv by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/818 * Look for `uv` next to `python` if it's not on `PATH` by @cjolowicz in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/795 * Fixed missing f-string in `--help` message by @cjolowicz in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/790 * Don't error if not installing to passthrough by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/809 * Avoid mixing `venv` and `conda` from environment by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/804 * Skip test for conda env when `conda` isn't installed by @cjolowicz in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/794 ## 2024.03.02 We'd like to thank the following folks who contributed to this release: - @DiddiLeija - @MicaelJarniac - @chrysle - @edgarrmondragon - @fazledyn-or - @franekmagiera - @frenzymadness - @henryiii - @johnthagen - @mayeut - @patrick91 - @q0w - @samypr100 - @scop - @stasfilin - @stefanv New Features: * Add `uv` backend by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/762 * Add venv backend fallback by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/787 * Add option `--reuse-venv {yes,no,never,always}` by @samypr100 in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/730 * Add environment variable `NOX_DEFAULT_VENV_BACKEND` for default backend by @edgarrmondragon in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/780 * Rename `session.run_always` to `session.run_install` by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/770 * Add more option argument completions by @scop in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/707 * Implement `tox-to-nox` for tox 4 by @frenzymadness in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/687 * Allow `--force-python` on unparametrized sessions by @chrysle in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/756 * Add `include_outer_env` parameter to `session.run` and friends by @franekmagiera in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/652 * GitHub Action: Add support for the `~` version specifier by @mayeut in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/712 Bugfixes: * Rebuild environment when changing to an incompatible backend type by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/781 * Warn user when first argument to `session.run` is a list by @stefanv in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/786 * Allow overriding `nox.options.sessions` with `--tags` by @q0w in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/684 * Allow overriding `NO_COLOR` with `--force-color` by @stasfilin in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/723 * Fix `nox.options.error_on_missing_interpreters` when running in CI by @samypr100 in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/725 Documentation Improvements: * Create an official Nox badge by @johnthagen in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/714 and https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/715 * Add recipe for generating a matrix with GitHub Actions by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/696 * Update some links by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/774 Internal Changes: * fix: always pull versions from metadata by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/782 * chore: ruff moved to astral-sh by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/722 * Use double quotes instead of single in github actions examples by @patrick91 in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/724 * tests: fixes when running locally by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/721 * chore: modernize Ruff config, bump pre-commit by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/744 * chore(deps): bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/738 * chore: ruff-format by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/745 * chore(action): update default python-versions by @mayeut in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/767 * chore(ci): allow manual runs on branches without a PR by @mayeut in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/766 * chore(ci): bump actions/setup-python & conda-incubator/setup-miniconda by @mayeut in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/765 * ci: group dependabot updates by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/755 * fix(types): improve typing by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/720 * ci: fix coverage combine for different OS's by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/778 * ci: update to artifacts v2 by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/772 * ci: remove skipped job & combine (faster) by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/771 * chore: cleanup Ruff a bit by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/783 * chore(deps): bump the actions group with 2 updates by @dependabot in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/784 * style: add type hints, update few functions by @stasfilin in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/728 * Include Python 3.12 in GHA by @DiddiLeija in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/743 * Allow tests to pass in environments where NO_COLOR=1 is set by @edgarrmondragon in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/777 * tests: support running when the Python launcher for UNIX is present by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/775 * chore: drop unneeded config option by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/773 * Bump minimum virtualenv to 20.14.1 by @johnthagen in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/747 * chore: save session name in `Func` by @MicaelJarniac in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/718 * Removed the problematic Python 2.7.18 version by @stasfilin in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/726 * Fixed Improper Method Call: Replaced `NotImplementedError` by @fazledyn-or in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/749 ## 2023.04.22 We'd like to thank the following folks who contributed to this release: - @crwilcox - @dcermak - @edgarrmondragon - @FollowTheProcess - @henryiii - @reaperhulk - @scop New Features: - Add support for `NOXPYTHON`, `NOXEXTRAPYTHON` and `NOXFORCEPYTHON` by @edgarrmondragon in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/688 - feat: --json --list-sessions by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/665 Documentation Improvements: - style: spelling and grammar fixes by @scop in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/682 - Add invite link to the discord server to CONTRIBUTING.md by @dcermak in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/679 Internal Changes: - chore: update pre-commit hooks by @edgarrmondragon in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/690 - chore: move to using Ruff by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/691 - Fix assertion in GHA tests by @FollowTheProcess in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/670 - ci: some minor fixes by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/675 - Constrain tox to <4.0.0 and minor fixes by @FollowTheProcess in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/677 - chore: long term fix for bugbear opinionated checks by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/678 - chore: switch to hatchling by @henryiii in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/659 - Don't run python 2.7 virtualenv tests for newer versions of virtualenv by @crwilcox in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/702 - allow the use of argcomplete 3 by @reaperhulk in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/700 - fix: enable `list_sessions` for session completion by @scop in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/699 - chore: remove 3.6 tests, min version is 3.7 by @crwilcox in https://github.com/wntrblm/nox/pull/703 ## 2022.11.21 We'd like to thank the following folks who contributed to this release: - @airtower-luna - @DiddiLeija - @FollowTheProcess - @henryiii - @hynek - @Julian - @nhtsai - @paw-lu New features: - Include Python 3.11 classifier & testing (#655) Improvements: - Fixed a few typos (#661, #660) - Drop dependency on `py` (#647) - `nox.session.run` now accepts a `pathlib.Path` for the command (#649) - Document `nox.session.run`'s `stdout` and `stderr` arguments and add example of capturing output (#651) Bugfixes: - GitHub Action: replace deprecated set-output command (#668) - GitHub Action: point docs to 2022.8.7 not latest (#664) - Docs: fix argument passing in `session.posargs` example (#653) - Include GitHub action helper in `MANIFEST.in` (#645) Internal changes: - GitHub Action: move to 3.11 final (#667) - Cleanup Python 2 style code (#657) - Update tools used in pre-commit (#646, #656) ## 2022.8.7 We'd like to thank the following folks who contributed to this release: - @CN-M - @crwilcox - @DiddiLeija - @edgarrmondragon - @FollowTheProcess - @hauntsaninja - @henryiii - @johnthagen - @jwodder - @ktbarrett - @mayeut - @meowmeowmeowcat - @NickleDave - @raddessi - @zhanpon Removals: - Drop support for Python 3.6 (#526) - Disable running `session.install` outside a venv (#580) New features: - Official Nox GitHub Action (#594, #606, #609, #620, #629, #637, #632, #633) - Missing interpreters now error the session on CI by default (#567) - Allow configurable child shutdown timeouts (#565) - Add session tags (#627) - Add short `-N` alias for `--no-reuse-existing-virtualenvs` (#639) - Export session name in `NOX_CURRENT_SESSION` environment variable (#641) Improvements: - Add `VENV_DIR` to `dev` session in cookbook (#591) - Fix typo in `tutorial.rst` (#586) - Use consistent spelling for Nox in documentation (#581) - Support descriptions in `tox-to-nox` (#575) - Document that `silent=True` returns the command output (#578) - Support argcomplete v2 (#564) Bugfixes: - Fix incorrect `FileNotFoundError` in `load_nox_module` (#571) Internal changes: - Update the classifiers, documentation, and more to point to the new Winterbloom location (#587) - Support PEP 621 (`pyproject.toml`) (#616, #619) - Configure language code to avoid warning on sphinx build (#626) - Use latest GitHub action runners and include macOS (#613) - Jazz up the README with some badges/logo etc. (#605, #614) - Prefer type checking against Jinja2 (#610) - Introduce GitHub issue forms (#600, #603, #608) - Full strictness checking on mypy (#595, #596) - Drop 99% coverage threshold flag for 3.10 in noxfile (#593) - Create a `requirements-dev.txt` (#582) - Use `myst-parser` for Markdown docs (#561) ## 2022.1.7 Claudio Jolowicz, Diego Ramirez, and Tom Fleet have become maintainers of Nox. We'd like to thank the following folks who contributed to this release: - @brettcannon - @cjolowicz - @dhermes - @DiddiLeija - @FollowTheProcess - @franekmagiera - @henryiii - @jugmac00 - @maciej-lech - @nawatts - @Tolker-KU New features: - Add `mamba` backend (#444, #448, #546, #551) - Add `session.debug` to show debug-level messages (#489) - Add cookbook page to the documentation (#483) - Add support for the `FORCE_COLOR` environment variable (#524, #548) - Allow using `session.chdir()` as a context manager (#543) - Deprecate use of `session.install()` without a valid backend (#537) Improvements: - Test against Python 3.10 (#495, #502, #506) - Add support for the `channel` option when using the `conda` backend (#522) - Show more specific error message when the `--keywords` expression contains a syntax error (#493) - Include reference to `session.notify()` in tutorial page (#500) - Document how `session.run()` fails and how to handle failures (#533) - Allow the list of sessions to be empty (#523) Bugfixes: - Fix broken temporary directory when using `session.chdir()` (#555, #556) - Set the `CONDA_PREFIX` environment variable (#538) - Fix `bin` directory for the `conda` backend on Windows (#535) Internal changes: - Replace deprecated `load_module` with `exec_module` (#498) - Include tests with source distributions (#552) - Add missing copyright notices (#509) - Use the new ReadTheDocs configurations (#527) - Bump the Python version used by ReadTheDocs to 3.8 (#496) - Improve the Sphinx config file (#499) - Update all linter versions (#528) - Add pre-commit and new checks (#530, #539) - Check `MANIFEST.in` during CI (#552) - Remove redundant `LICENSE` from `MANIFEST.in` (#505) - Make `setuptools` use the standard library's `distutils` to work around `virtualenv` bug. (#547, #549) - Use `shlex.join()` when logging a command (#490) - Use `shutil.rmtree()` over shelling out to `rm -rf` in noxfile (#519) - Fix missing Python 3.9 CI session (#529) - Unpin docs session and add `--error-on-missing-interpreter` to CI (#532) - Enable color output from Nox, pytest, and pre-commit during CI (#542) - Only run `conda_tests` session by default if user has conda installed (#521) - Update dependencies in `requirements-conda-test.txt` (#536) ## 2021.10.1 New features: - Add `session.warn` to output warnings (#482) - Add a shared session cache directory (#476) - Add `session.invoked_from` (#472) Improvements: - Conda logs now respect `nox.options.verbose` (#466) - Add `session.notify` example to docs (#467) - Add friendlier message if no `noxfile.py` is found (#463) - Show the `noxfile.py` docstring when using `nox -l` (#459) - Mention more projects that use Nox in the docs (#460) Internal changes: - Move configs into pyproject.toml or setup.cfg (flake8) (#484) - Decouple `test_session_completer` from project level noxfile (#480) - Run Flynt to convert str.format to f-strings (#464) - Add python 3.10.0-rc2 to GitHub Actions (#475, #479) - Simplify CI build (#461) - Use PEP 517 build system, remove `setup.py`, use `setup.cfg` (#456, #457, #458) - Upgrade to mypy 0.902 (#455) Special thanks to our contributors: - @henryiii - @cjolowicz - @FollowTheProcess - @franekmagiera - @DiddiLeija ## 2021.6.12 - Fix crash on Python 2 when reusing environments. (#450) - Hide staleness check behind a feature flag. (#451) - Group command-line options in `--help` message by function. (#442) - Avoid polluting tests with a .nox directory. (#445) ## 2021.6.6 - Add option `--no-install` to skip install commands in reused environments. (#432) - Add option `--force-python` as shorthand for `--python` and `--extra-python`. (#427) - Do not reuse environments if the interpreter or the environment type has changed. (#418, #425, #428) - Allow common variations in session names with parameters, such as double quotes instead of single quotes. Session names are considered equal if they produce the same Python AST. (#417, #434) - Preserve the order of parameters in session names. (#401) - Allow `@nox.parametrize` to select the session Python. (#413) - Allow passing `posargs` when scheduling another session via `session.notify`. (#397) - Prevent sessions from modifying each other's posargs. (#439) - Add `nox.needs_version` to specify Nox version requirements. (#388) - Add `session.name` to get the session name. (#386) - Gracefully shutdown child processes. (#393) - Decode command output using the system locale if UTF-8 decoding fails. (#380) - Fix creation of Conda environments when `venv_params` is used. (#420) - Various improvements to Nox's type annotations. (#376, #377, #378) - Remove outdated notes on Windows compatibility from the documentation. (#382) - Increase Nox's test coverage on Windows. (#300) - Avoid mypy searching for configuration files in other directories. (#402) - Replace AppVeyor and Travis CI by GitHub Actions. (#389, #390, #403) - Allow colorlog <7.0.0. (#431) - Drop contexter from test requirements. (#426) - Upgrade linters to the latest version. (#438) ## 2020.12.31 - Fix `NoxColoredFormatter.format` (#374) - Use conda remove to clean up existing conda environments (#373) - Support users specifying an undeclared parametrization of python via `--extra-python` (#361) - Support double-digit minor version in `python` keyword (#367) - Add `py.typed` to `manifest.in` (#360) - Update Nox to latest supported python versions. (#362) - Decouple merging of `--python` with `nox.options` from `--sessions` and `--keywords` (#359) - Do not merge command-line options in place (#357) ## 2020.8.22 - `conda_install` and `install` args are now automatically double-quoted when needed. (#312) - Offline mode is now auto-detected by default by `conda_install`. This allows users to continue executing Nox sessions on already installed environments. (#314) - Fix the default paths for Conda on Windows where the `python.exe` found was not the correct one. (#310) - Add the `--add-timestamp` option (#323) - Add `Session.run_always()`. (#331) ## 2020.5.24 - Add new options for `venv_backend`, including the ability to set the backend globally. (#326) - Fix various typos in the documentation. (#325, #326, #281) - Add `session.create_tmp`. (#320) - Place all of Nox's command-line options into argparse groups. (#306) - Add the `--pythons` command-line option to allow specifying which versions of Python to run. (#304) - Add a significant amount of type annotations. (#297, #294, #290, #282, #274) - Stop building universal wheels since we don't support Python 2. (#293) - Add the ability to specify additional options for the virtualenv backend using `venv_params`. (#280) - Prefer `importlib.metadata` for metadata loading, removing our dependency on `pkg_resources`. (#277) - Add OmegaConf and Hydra to list of projects that use Nox. (#279) - Use a more accurate error message, along with the cause, if loading of noxfile runs into error. (#272) - Test against Python 3.8. (#270) - Fix a syntax highlighting mistake in configuration docs. (#268) - Use `stdout.isatty` to finalize color instead of `stdin.isatty`. (#267) ## 2019.11.9 - Fix example installation call for pip. (#259) - Allow colorlog 4. (#257) - Order Pythons in descending version in `appveyor.yml`. (#258) - Add link to GitHub Action for Nox. (#255) - Use double "\`" for inline code. (#254) - Add types to `_option_set.py`. (#249) - Add type hints to `tasks.py`. (#241) - Fix typo (virtulenvs). (#247) - Replace flake8 sorter with isort. (#242) - Pass `VIRTUAL_ENV` environment variable to commands executed in a virtualenv. (#245) - Fix docs to show correct list for parametrize. (#244) - Add argcomplete dependency to conda test session. (#240) ## 2019.8.20 - Add `--verbose` for showing the output from all commands. (#174) - Immediately exit if unknown arguments are passed. (#229) - Document complex test_virtualenv fixtures. (#236) - Resolve to interpreter 'python' in PATH if '--version' fits. (#224) - Add shell autocomplete. (#228) - Add `venv` as an option for `venv_backend`. (#231) - Add gdbgui to list of projects. (#235) - Add mypy to Nox's lint. (#230) - Add pipx to projects that use Nox. (#225) - Add `session(venv_backend='conda')` option to use Conda environments. (#217, #221) - Document how to call builtins on Windows. (#223) - Replace `imp.load_source()` with `importlib`. (#214) - Fix incorrect type in docstring & replace old-style format string. (#213) - Allow specifying `stdout` and `stderr` to `session.run`. - Add Salt to the list of projects that use Nox. (#209) - Remove Python 2-specific code. (#203, #208) - Grammar fixes. (#205, 206, 207) - Update Nox's `noxfile.py` to use python3.7. (#204) ## 2019.5.30 - Add interactive property to session. (#196) - Promote contributors to maintainers, add Open Collective details. (#201) - Fix funding external link. (#200) - Refactor how Nox defines and process options. (#187) - Fix typo in tutorial. (#194) - Use 'pytest' instead of 'py.test' in examples and configuration. (#193) - Fix some CSS issues on mobile. (#192) - Use short form of virtualenv path when creating the virtualenv. (#191) - Refresh tutorial and fixup small docs things. (#190) - Add the ability to give parametrized sessions a custom ID. (#186) - Make --list list all available sessions, not just the selected ones. (#185) - Allow providing a friendlier CLI name to sessions. (#170) - Add urllib3 to the list of projects that use Nox (#182) - Fix documentation link for Docker Cloud vs Hub (#179) ## 2019.4.11 - Include changelog in documentation. (#177) - Use the relative path of the virtualenv in the "creating virtualenv" log message. (#176) - Allow not passing "--upgrade" to `session.install` and change its default behavior to not upgrade. (#172) - Expand environment variables when loading the noxfile from provided path. (#171) - Add documentation around using Docker to run Nox. (#164) - Don't colour output if `NO_COLOR` is set. (#163) - Fix tox casing to be consistent with their docs, remove `.`` from pytest. (#160) - Update issue templates. - Add CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md. - Add --install-only flag to install dependencies without running anything (#153) - Fix function name in docs. (#155) - Allow silent argument to be set in `session.install`. (#157) - Run sessions in the same order specified on the command line. (#152) ## 2018.10.17 - Fix bug where empty parametrized sessions would fail. (#151) ## 2018.10.15 - Hide the python interpreter on sessions with only one. (#148) - Warn when programs not in the virtualenv are used, allow erroring and silencing the warning. (#147) - Add --warn-on-external-run flag and the "external" keyword arg to session.run. (#147) - Add nox.options which allows specifying command-line configuration in the Noxfile (#145) - Add python_requires (>= 3.5) to setup.py. ## 2018.10.9 Breaking changes: - Skip sessions with missing interpreters. Previously, missing interpreters would cause a failed session. Now they just cause a warning. The previous behavior can be used via `--error-on-missing-interpreters`. (#140) New features: - Add session.python property. Other changes: - Fix some warnings about escape sequences. - Group command line args by usage for readability. - Blacklist more Tox env vars in nox-to-tox. - Documentation fixes, spelling, etc. (#134) - Mention stickers in the contributors guide. - Mention Invoke as a Nox alternative. ## 2018.9.14 - Check for ``NOXSESSION`` environment variable (#121) - Fix typo in OpenCensus Python (#132) - Add new documentation art created by Andrea Caprotti - Add Python 3.7 to Travis CI (#129) ## 2018.8.28 Bugfixes: * Adding `Session.__slots__`. (#128) * Don't modify `Virtualenv.interpreter` in `_resolved_interpreter`. (#127) * Fix tox-to-nox template. * Add the ability to add descriptions to sessions. (#117) * Using more specific regex in `_resolved_interpreter()`. (#119) New features: * Adding support for 32-bit binaries on Windows. (#100) Internal/testing changes: * Storing `platform.system()` as global in `nox.virtualenv`. (#124) * Fix deploy script for Travis. * Run docs on travis. (#122) * Documentation style updates. ## 2018.8.23 **Heads up!** This is a very big release for Nox. Please read these release notes thoroughly and reach out to us on GitHub if you run into issues. Breaking changes and other important notes: * Nox is now published as "nox" on PyPI. This means that Nox is installed via `pip install nox` instead of `nox-automation`. Since the new release makes so many breaking changes, we won't be updating the old `nox-automation` package. * Nox's configuration file is now called `noxfile.py` instead of `nox.py`. * Nox no longer supports Python 2.7. You can still create and run Python 2.7 sessions, but Nox itself must be installed using Python 3.5+. * Nox's behavior has been changed from *declarative* to *imperative*. Session actions now run immediately. Existing code to setup session virtualenv, such as `session.interpreter` **will break**! Please consult the documentation on how to use `@nox.session(python=[...])` to configure virtualenvs for sessions. * Nox now uses calver for releases. * Support for the legacy naming convention (for example, `session_tests`) has been removed. Other changes: * Update colorlog dependency range. * Update installation command in contributing. (#101) * Remove Python 2.x object inheritance. (#109) * Fix python syntax error on docs. (#111) * Show additional links on PyPI. (#108) * Add contributors file. (#113) * Run sphinx with -W option. (#115) * Using `os.pathsep` instead of a hardcoded `':'`. (#105) * Use a configuration file for readthedocs. (#107) * Add 'py' alias for `nox.session(python=...)`. * Fix processing of numeric Python versions that specify a patch version. * Use Black to format code. * Support invoking Nox using `python -m nox`. * Produce better error message when sessions can't be found. * Fix missing links in README.rst. * Remove usage of future imports. * Remove usage of six. * Make session.install a simple alias for session.run. * Refactor nox.command.Command as nox.command.run, reducing complexity. * Add list of projects that use Nox. * Use witchhazel pygments theme. ## v0.19.1 **Note**:: v0.19.1 was the last version released as "nox-automation" on PyPI. Subsequent releases are published as "nox". * Updates copyright information and contact addresses. No code changes. ## v0.19.0 * Add missing parameter in docs (#89) * Don't skip install commands when re-using existing virtualenvs. (#86) * Add --nocolor and --forcecolor options (#85) * Simulating `unittest.mock` backport in the Python 2 standard library. (#81) * Fixing tox-to-nox docs reference. (#80) * Removing patch of `py.exe` on AppVeyor. (#74) * Adding Python 3.6 to AppVeyor. (#69) * Adding AppVeyor badge to README. (#70) ## v0.18.2 * On Windows, use the `py.exe` [launcher][2] (e.g. `py.exe -2.7`) to locate Python executables. ([#53][1]) ## v0.18.1 * Fix Nox not returning a non-zero exit code on failure. (#55) * Restore result and report output. (#57) ## v0.18.0 * Blacklist problematic virtualenv environment variables (#49) * Use `python -m virtualenv` to invoke virtualenv (#47) * Making sure all `Command`s use run in `__call__`. (#48) * Addition of `session.notify`. (#39) * Refactor the list of sessions into a manifest class. (#38) * Changed some instances of session to be plural (#37) * Small documentation updates (#36) [1]: https://github.com/theacodes/nox/pull/53 [2]: https://docs.python.org/3/using/windows.html#launcher